Public Notice of Southern High School Orientation Selection Year 2024
Southern High School Orientation 2024 “The Resources of Uncertainty”
In the spirit of seeking out the most motivated students, the Southern High School Orientation Program is part of the call for applications for the Southern High School Orientation Program, which is aimed at female and male students attending the fourth year of upper secondary schools who, in September 2024 will be attending the fifth year.
This year’s totally free orientation week, which will start at 2 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 02, 2024 and end at 11 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 06, 2024, will have the multidisciplinary theme “The Resources of Uncertainty.” Participants will be housed at a 4-star hotel in the center of Naples on a full-board basis with expenses totally covered by the Southern High School and will be able to leave the facility on Saturday morning by 10:00 a.m.
This year’s totally free orientation week, which will start at 2 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 02, 2024 and end at 11 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 06, 2024, will have the multidisciplinary theme “The Resources of Uncertainty.” Participants will be housed at a 4-star hotel in the center of Naples on a full-board basis with expenses totally covered by the Southern High School and will be able to leave the facility on Saturday morning by 10:00 a.m.
Trainees will be able to attend lectures and seminars by scientists, political scientists, legal scholars, physicists, chemists, mathematicians, engineers, physicians, historians, and humanists from various fields of knowledge, and they will be taken on guided tours of research centers of excellence and important archaeological sites.
Applications may be made no later than 12:00 noon on May 20, 2024, by either of the following:
1) by the home school up to a maximum of ten applications from the best students attending the fourth year and who, in September 2024, will enroll in the fifth year;
2) By the parent or guardian, exercising parental/guardian responsibility;
3) directly through the self-application of the student attending the fourth year and who, in September 2024, will enroll in the fifth year, if older;
2) By the parent or guardian, exercising parental/guardian responsibility;
3) directly through the self-application of the student attending the fourth year and who, in September 2024, will enroll in the fifth year, if older;
In all of the above cases, applications must be submitted exclusively via electronic procedure on the dedicated Pica Platform : https://pica.cineca.it/ssm/orientamento2024/