“How about (not a) black hole?” – black holes, horizonless imitators and light rings
Seminario del 07/11/2024 (Carlos Herdeiro)
SPEAKER: Carlos Herdeiro,
Full Professor at “Universidade de Aveiro”, Portugal
TITLE: "How about (not a) black hole?" - black holes, horizonless imitators and light rings
ABSTRACT: There is a scientific consensus about the reality of black holes (BHs) as key ingredients of the physical Universe. Yet, both the inability to observationally proof the “BH hypothesis” and its challenging and far-reaching theoretical consequences, demand a thorough scrutiny of its alternatives. In this spirit, a variety of horizonless exotic compact objects (ECOs) have been proposed: the “ECO hypothesis”. Any putative ECO model must overcome theoretical and observational tests to become a contender, either replacing or co-existing, with black holes. In this colloquium I will address a key challenge for horizonless BH imitators, discussing how the very same property that seems to be required to make them effective BH foils - the existence of bound photon orbits, or light rings - can source their own demise.
BIO: Carlos Alberto Ruivo Herdeiro got his Licenciatura (4 years first degree) in Física/Matemática Aplicada (Astronomia) in 1996 from the Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade do Porto. Got his M.Sc. (Certificate of Advanced Studies in Mathematics) in 1997, from the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge (UK). Completed his Ph.D. in theoretical Physics in 2001 at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge (UK). Got the Agregação (Habilitation) in 2012 at the Universidade de Aveiro.
He was a researcher/assistant Professor/associate Professor at the Physics Departments of the Universities of Stanford (USA, 2001/02), University of Porto (2002/10), University of Aveiro (2010/18), Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon (2018/19). Since 2019 he is Investigador Coordenador de Carreira (Research Full Professor) at the Departamento de Matemática, Universidade de Aveiro.
He founded in 2010 and currently coordinates the gravitation group at Aveiro University. His research has focused on strong gravity, cosmology, high energy physics and mathematical physics, topics in which he has published over 210 articles in international journals with refereeing, including 16 in Physical Review Letters (3 as Editors' Suggestion) and an additional over 30 proceedings papers. These works have gathered over 14500 citations, with h=64, Inspire database (over 16000 citations, with h=66, Google Scholar). He has given over 220 scientific presentations/lecture courses worldwide on these topics, mostly invited. He has been the Principal Investigator of 16 research grants including three international networks funded by the European Union (Marie Curie actions: IRSES - FP7; RISE - Horizon 2020; SE - Horizon Europe). Has been the (co-)advisor of 22 Ph.D. students and mentor of 21 post-doctoral/junior researchers and been member of 36 evaluation panels for funding agencies/universities in 16 countries.
Has lectured/coordinated over 16 curricular university lecture courses in Aveiro University, Porto University and IST-Lisbon. He (single) authored 1 university textbook on Quantum Mechanics. He has given over 115 outreach talks, mostly in high school and frequently appears as a science communicator in the TV, radio and written press, often collaborating with the Portuguese Physics Society, of which he was the president of the north section (2007-10). He is a founder of the Portuguese Society for Relativity and Gravitation, of which he has been president (2018-19), vice-president (2016-17 and 2020-21), presidente of the General Assembley (2022-23). He currently serves a second term as vice-president.
In 2021, 2022 and 2023 he has been ranked amongst the top 2% cientists worldwide, both for his career and the previous year, published by Elsevier and led by J. Ioannidis (Stanford). He was awarded the "2022 University of Aveiro Researcher" prize. In 2021 he was given the Outstanding Referee award by the American Physical Society and Elected member of the board of directors of the European Physics Letters Association (2021-23). Since 2022 he is an associate editor for European Physical Journal C. In 2020 his work was cited by the Nobel Committee, in the Scientific Background document of Nobel Physics Prize. In 2014, 2015 and 2022, he got three honorary mentions in the Gravity Research Foundation international essay competition and in 2004 he was awarded the Prémio de Estímulo à Investigação, from Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
DATE/TIME: Thursday 07 November 2024, at 2.30pm CET.
LOCATION: Accademia Pontaniana, Via Mezzocannone 8, 80134, Napoli,
The colloquium will also be broadcast online, on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 841 4421 2706 | Passcode: 656302
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