Law and Organizational Studies for Promotion of Diversity and Inclusion (LOSPD)
A titolo esemplificativo e non esaustivo, le principali research tracks dell’Area sono:
– Inclusione e sensorialità
– Inclusione e sport
– Inclusione e nuove tecnologie
– Inclusione e arti
– Inclusione e urban regeneration
– Inclusione, strategic management e entreprenuership
– Inclusione e pubblica amministrazione
– Inclusione e scuola
– Inclusione e intersezionalità
Queste research tracks vedono la nostra area attiva sulle seguenti principali sedi di pubblicazione:
Organization, Organization Studies, Jus Civile, Journal of Law & Society, Culture and Organization, Media Culture & Society, Persona e mercato, Diritto e società, Disability & Society, Journal of Business Ethics, Business Ethics Environment & Responsibility, Journal of Law Economics & Organization, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, European Journal of Privacy Law & Technology, Giustizia civile, Critical Perspectives in Accounting, Creativity and Innovation Management, Familia, Rivista di diritto privato, Studies in Higher Education, Rivista di Diritto dell’Impresa
Tania Bortolu (2021-2024)
Fabrizia Cesarano (2023 – in corso)
Lorenzo Fattori (2021-2022)
Sarah Grieco (2023 – in corso)
Teresa Anna Rita Gentile (2021-2022)
Anna Anita Mollo (2021-2024)
Domenico Napolitano (2021-2024)
Tommaso Sica (2023 – in corso)
Ai dottorandi e agli assegnisti di ricerca viene offerta l’opportunità di studiare e fare ricerca all’estero e di svolgere la propria ricerca grazie ad accordi di co-tutela.
Università e centri di ricerca internazionali con i quali i membri del Consiglio Scientifico intrattengono collaborazioni di ricerca:
– Università dell’Essex
– Università di Göteborg
– Università Humboldt di Berlino
– Università McGill di Montreal
– Università di New York (NYU)
– Università di Varsavia
– European Academy of Management
– European Group of Organization Studies
– puntOorg International Research Network
En attendant … wonders about how delicate and important is the relationship between “being” a scientific community and “participating” to the life of a scientific community.
En attendant … is a cycle of international seminars. A cloistered experience. To be together, with a high level of focusing.
En attendant … aims to prepare the LOSPD academic community and its members for competition at the international conferences of leading international scientific societies: A year-round 365 days.
En attendant … is based on the awareness of how complex the relationship between means and ends always is: in the history of philosophy as well as in the theories and practices of Law and Organizing. When “being” a scientific community, gives weight to the importance of the processes that engenders research products.
En attendant … believes that the internationalization of research is both an object and a method and pays great attention to the processes (how-to-do), as well as on the results and performances (what to do/get). When “participating” to the life of a scientific community means constructing-togheter significant research products that represent effectively the result of an underlying research endeavor.
En attendant … do not uses to practice “defend your paper”. We strongly believe that a researcher should know how to listen critically, and after having listened to others, going on “work on it”. Doing exactly this, standing by and “working on it” is, nowadays, perhaps the missing piece among adults in permanent competition… en attendant.
En attendant… provides the opportunity for participants to publish their work in progress in pIJ.
En attendant… is designed and developed by Luigi Maria Sicca (Coordinator LOSPD – SSM) together with Edoardo Mollona (member of the Scientific board LOSPD – SSM) and Luca Zan within puntOorg International Research Network and is part of the academic research and teaching proposal of the LOSPD Area of SSM.
- XIV edition Bologna 17th December 2021
- XV edition Naples 9th, 10th June 2022 (Apre il link in una nuova scheda)
- XVI edition Naples 15th,16th December 2022 (Apre il link in una nuova scheda)
- XVII editon Trento 17th, 18 th May, 2023 (Apre il link in una nuova scheda)
- XVIII edition Milan Bicocca 14th, 15 th December, 2023
- XIX edition Rome LUISS 23th, 24th May, 2024
- XX edition Ferrara 12th, 13th December 2024
I seminari di ricerca sono costruiti intorno all’idea di una disuputa tra le genealogie del sapere. Si declinano in match in cui ciascun docente propone, rispetto al proprio tema di ricerca, sguardi sul mondo antitetici e in dialogo, in modo da sollecitare negli allievi lo sviluppo di un pensiero critico.
26.11.2024 – Giornata di studi Arte e disabilità
La disputa del sapere – ciclo di seminari 2024
Living to write (and not the other way around).., enjoying ourselves (November 2022 – February 2023)
SSM Seminari di ricerca gennaio-luglio 2022
Disabilità e capacità giuridica: riflessioni dalla comparazione