Global history and governance (GHG)

Assistant professors
Ettore Costa, PhD, University of Rome – La Sapienza
Research project: From Direct Productive Force to Human Capital: The Role of Science in the Economic and Education Policies of Social Democratic and Communist Parties in Postwar Western Europe
Research project: Demographic change and the crisis of welfare state (1960s-1990s). France and Italy in the international context
Research project: Commercial Conflict Management and Institutional Entanglements between Sixteenth-Century Italy and Spain
Research project: A connected history of death penalty in the French empire. French West Africa and Indochina, circa 1900-1950
Suzanne Levin, PhD U. Paris-Nanterre (2021-2023)
Research project: Revolutionary Lorient: An Atlantic Port at the Crossroads of Global History, 1793-1794
Daniel-Joseph MacArthur-Seal, PhD U. of Cambridge (UK) (2023-2024)
Research project: The Mediterranean Narcotics Trade in the Age of Prohibition, 1912-1940
Research project: The Circulation of Legal Knowledge in the Iberian Empires. The Global Mobility of Colonial Magistrates and their Libraries in the Early Modern Period.
Aymeric Xu, PhD, EHESS, Paris (2021-2023)
Research project: Religion, Superstition and Politics in Chinese Societies (ca. 1890s-1940s)
Mohamed Ali Adraoui, PhD Sciences-Po, Paris (2020-2023)
Research project: USLAMISM: One Century of United States-Muslim Brotherhood Relations
Alessandro Bonvini, PhD U. Salerno (2020-2023)
Research project: Resurgence Colonialism. Adventurers, Pioneers and Settlers beyond the Western Frontiers.
Marie Bossaert, PhD EPHE, Paris (2020-2023)
Research project: All Italians! Politics and applications for Italian citizenship and protection in the Ottoman Empire (1860s-1930s)
Fabio Dell’Aversana, PhD U. Naples Federico II (2020-2023)
Research project: Rights and freedoms on the Internet. Democratic institutions, economic models and legal culture
Elyssa Gage, PhD U. of Florida, Miami (USA) (2022-2023)
Research project: Civilizing Codes: Administrating Justice in Haiti and Guadeloupe (1802-1835)
Orçun Can Okan, PhD Columbia University, New York City (USA) (2020-2023)
Research project: “Syrians” in Istanbul under Allied Occupation (1918-1923): Repatriation and Legal Protection in Ottoman Domains after World War I.
Leonardo Parona, PhD U. Trent (2021-2022)
Research project: Limits, legal regime and means of protection of the private exercise of public functions
Luca Puddu, PhD U. Sapienza, Rome (2020-2022)
Research project: Decolonizations of capital: the banking policy of Italy and the United Kingdom in Ethiopia and Eritrea, c. 1941-1974