Global history and governance (GHG)
The program in Global History and Governance focuses on comparisons, connections, and processes of globalization that have characterized different areas of the planet between the 16th and the 20th centuries. It concentrates on the relational dimension of historical processes, legal regimes, and the organization of power; on the interconnections between economic, political, legal, cultural, and social factors; and on circulation, exchange, and interconnection of ideas, persons, institutions, legal cultures, political models, concepts, rights, and goods at a global scale.
Each year, the SSM offers several fellowships for postdoctoral historians, law scholars and political scientists who are chosen from a diverse and competitive pool of applicants.
Successful applicants are expected to be in residence at SSM.
Postdoc fellows continue their research at the SSM by participating in seminars and conferences and engaging with SSM faculty, graduate, and undergraduate students. They are also expected to participate in the coursework by teaching a 20-hour course for SSM undergraduate or graduate students.
Fellowships are initially for one year but can be renewed for two additional years, pending satisfactory performance and continued funding.
Salary and Benefits: The salary is € 35,000 per year (the scholarship is tax-exempt. The fellow must contribute to the Italian pension fund). Each fellow will receive an annual research budget of circa € 4,000.
Applications are open until 15 October 2024. The call and the important documents can be found here.
Applications will only be accepted via the online application system.
This year, special attention will be paid to projects focusing on the period between the 19th and 21st centuries and insisting on one or more of the following areas: Ideas and Practices of Citizenship, History of the Welfare State, History of Affirmative Action and Preferential Policies, History of Rights, History of Minorities and History of Minority Rights, History of Migration, General principles of global law, Global regulatory regimes, Global dispute resolution mechanisms, Institutions and decision-making processes in a globalized world, Relationships between legal orders.
Admissions are by public competition according to the Italian Law. A selection committee appointed after the call deadline assesses proposals, publications, and qualifications and establish a shortlist. Shortlisted candidates are invited to an interview.
Ettore Costa, PhD, Università di Roma — La Sapienza
RTD-A, Contemporary History
Research project: From Direct Productive Force to Human Capital: The Role of Science in the Economic and Education Policies of Social Democratic and Communist Parties in Postwar Western Europe
Aymeric Xu, PhD, EHESS, Paris
RTT, History of Asia
Research project: A connected history of death penalty in the French empire. French West Africa and Indochina, circa 1900-1950 (2022-2025)
Suzanne Levin, PhD U. Paris-Nanterre
Research project: Revolutionary Lorient: An Atlantic Port at the Crossroads of Global History, 1793-1794 (2021-2025)
Daniel-Joseph MacArthur-Seal, PhD U. of Cambridge (UK)
Research project: The Mediterranean Narcotics Trade in the Age of Prohibition, 1912-1940 (2023-2025)
Airton Ribeiro da Silva, PhD U. Firenze
Research project: The Circulation of Legal Knowledge in the Iberian Empires. The Global Mobility of Colonial Magistrates and their Libraries in the Early Modern Period (2023-2025)
Mohamed Ali Adraoui, PhD Sciences-Po, Paris
Research project: USLAMISM: One Century of United States-Muslim Brotherhood Relations (2020-2023)
Giacomo Canepa, PhD SNS, Pisa-Sciences-Po, Paris
Research project: Demographic change and the crisis of welfare state (1960s-1990s). France and Italy in the international context (2023-2024)
Alessandro Bonvini, PhD U. Salerno
Research project: Risorgimento Colonialism. Adventurers, Pioneers and Settlers beyond the Western Frontiers (2020-2023)
Marie Bossaert, PhD EPHE, Paris
Research project: Tutti italiani! Politica e richieste di cittadinanza e di protezione italiana nell’Impero ottomano (anni 1860-anni 1930) (2020-2023)
Fabio Dell’Aversana, PhD U. Napoli Federico II Research project: Rights and freedoms on the Internet. Democratic institutions, economic models and legal culture (2020-2023)
Research project: Commercial Conflict Management and Institutional Entanglements between Sixteenth-Century Italy and Spain (2021-2024)
Elyssa Gage, PhD U. of Florida, Miami (USA)
Research project: Civilizing Codes: Administrating Justice in Haiti and Guadeloupe (1802-1835) (2022-2023)
Orçun Can Okan, PhD Columbia University, New York City (USA)
Research project: “Syrians” in Istanbul under Allied Occupation (1918-1923): Repatriation and Legal Protection in Ottoman Domains after World War I (2020-2023)
Leonardo Parona, PhD U. Trento
Research project: Limiti, regime giuridico e strumenti di tutela dell’esercizio privato di funzioni pubbliche (2021-2022)
Luca Puddu, PhD U. Sapienza, Roma
Research project: Decolonizzazioni del capitale: la politica bancaria di Italia e Regno Unito in Etiopia ed Eritrea, c. 1941-1974 (2020-2022)
Aymeric Xu, PhD, EHESS, Paris
Research project: Religion, Superstition and Politics in Chinese Societies (ca. 1890s-1940s (2021-2024)